"Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I will learn”

10 Dec 2013


       Do these stretches slowly – never to the point of discomfort. Hold each stretch for six to eight slow, deep breaths. Imagine releasing muscle tension with each exhale. Begin each stretch standing up, and feel free to rest one hand on something for balance if necessary. 

 Calf and hip stretch. Take a giant step forward with your left foot. Bend your left knee (but don't push it beyond your foot); keep your right heel on the ground and your right leg straight behind you. Keep your abdominal muscles gently contracted so there's no excess arch in your back. You should feel the stretch in both your right calf and hip. Hold for several deep breaths. Then switch legs and repeat. 
•Back and hamstring stretch. Stand with your feet together and your knees slightly bent. Lean forward from the waist and let your arms and head hang loosely toward the ground. Don't necessarily try to touch your toes – just let your body hang under its own weight and ease into the stretch with each deep exhale. Slowly stand up (to avoid light-headedness) and repeat. 
Shin and thigh stretch. Grasp your right toes with your right hand, and gently pull your foot up behind you, keeping your right knee pointed toward the ground. Your heel doesn't have to reach your buttocks – just pull to the point of feeling a gentle stretch in the front of the thigh, hip, and shin. Hold for several deep breaths. Then switch legs and repeat.

3 Dec 2013

Six Physical Education Games and Activities- MORE COOL DOWNS

The physical education games that are described in this article can be played at the beginning of gym class as part of a warm exercise, during the period wholly or partially devoted to games or physical education activities or at the end of class as part of cool down exercises. In addition to the obvious benefits of providing good exercise, combating obesity and developing motor skills, the other skills that I wanted my students to demonstrate when they play these games are co-operation, sportsmanship and enjoyment. Here are 6 examples of physical education games that my students and I enjoyed. 

 1. Face to Face Scatter formation (possibly in a large circle) with partners. One odd player stands in the center and alternates between calling "Face to Face" and "Back to Back". The students take the positions accordingly. When he calls "All change" the students must find new partners and the center player tries to get one too. The student left without a partner goes to the center and gives the commands. If there was no "odd student" then I played too.

 2. Partner Tag All of the students but two hook arms in couples. Of the two that are free one is "it" or the chaser and the other is the runner. The runner tries to avoid being tagged by locking arms with either member of any couple he chooses. When he does, the third student of the group becomes the runner and must avoid being tagged. If the runner is tagged the runner and chaser change positions. To make the activity interesting, the couples should run and twist to elude the runner. For a large number of students there can be more than one runner and chaser.

 3. Catch the Cane Have the students form a circle or divide the class in two and make two circles. Each student has a number from 1 to the end. One student is "It" and stands in the middle of the circle holding a cane or yard/meter stick with one end on the floor. This student calls out one of the numbers and lets go of the cane. The student whose number was called, must catch the cane before it falls to the floor. If he fails he becomes "It". 

 4. Overpass Divide the class inperockto 2 even teams ( or 4 for a large class and run two games simultaneously). Team 1 forms a circle and each member of team 2 stands between two members of team 1. A team 1 member holds a ball (volleyball, soccer ball, football, etc.) and a member of team 2 holds the same type of ball (differentiate the balls, colour, etc.). On the word "go", each team member passes their ball to their team member on their right (or left). The team that completes the full circle with their ball gets a point. The teacher can vary the game by calling out, "circle" (the student with the ball must run around the circle before passing the ball) or "zig-zag" or "bounce the ball", etc. I'm sure you get the idea. It's great fun.  

5. Pass and Change Arrange all the students in the class except one in a circle of about 40 feet in diameter. The student who is "it" stands in the center of the circle with a large (soft) ball. To start, "it" calls the names of two students in the circle and at the same time throws the ball to a third student. The two students whose names were called, run to exchange places in the circle. The third student, upon catching the ball, throws it back to "it". "It" then throws the ball at one of the two students, trying to hit one before they manage to change places. If "it" succeeds in hitting one, the student who was hit becomes "it". The game starts again with the new student being "it".

 6. Fish Net This game is played with two teams. One team is the NET and the other team is the FISH. To begin, each team stands behind a goal line at opposite ends of the field. The NET team chooses a Captain and joins hands in a line. The FISH team runs free. At a signal, both teams run forward and the NET team tries to make a circle around as many FISH as possible. The FISH may not duck under the arms of the NET, but if the NET drops hands, the FISH may escape. When the NET team has made its circle, the Captain counts the number of FISH that were caught. The other team now has a turn to be the NET. These are only a few of the elementary physical education activities and games that my kids participated in during their gym periods. You'll find many more by visiting my website. I hope you enjoy teaching these games because your students will love them. 

 By:Honey Krumholz

2 Dec 2013


Pirate ship
There are a series of pirate related words which are shouted out in a random order by the teacher. The players have a action which they have to follow for each word. The actions are as follows:
Scrub the Decks = children crouch down and pretend to clean the floor with their hands.
Climb the Rigging = children pretend to climb a rope ladder.
Captain's Coming = children salute and shout out "Aye Aye Captain"
Man the Lifeboats = find a partner, sit on the floor facing each other, holding hands and rocking backwards and forwards (as in "row,    row, row your boat").
Captain's Wife = everyone curtseys (boys think this is hilarious!).
Submarines = children lie on floor with one leg raised like a periscope
Walk the Plank = children have to walk in a perfect straight line one foot exactly in front of the other with arms outstretched to the sides (children could also walk along benches).
Captain's daughter = children pose like a model (one hand on hip. the other outstretched and slightly bent) and say "Oooooooooooh!
Hit the Deck = children lie down on their stomachs as quickly as possible.
Port =run to left-hand side of the court

ACROSPORT from pacoanti on Vimeo.

1 Dec 2013


NAME:Clap It / Catch It 
WE NEED:1 x Ball Description: The children are to stand in a circle with a nominated person in the middle with the ball. This nominated person then passes the ball to any person in the circle. Before the ball is caught, the receiver needs to clap their hands once before catching the ball. If the ball is dropped / the incorrect person claps then the offender must go down onto 1 knee as a first offence. Then each time they reoffend they must continue: 2 knees, bottom, tummy and then out of the game. If the task is completed correctly then the child can then move up to the previous stage. Safety Aspects: Look out for stationary objects on the floor within the marked area. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME:Head It / Catch It 
WE NEED:1 x Ball Description: The children are to stand in a circle with a nominated person in the middle with the ball. This nominated person then passes the ball to any person in the circle. As the ball is thrown the nominated person will call out either “Head It / Catch It”. The receiver must then complete this task in order to stay in the game. If the ball is dropped / the incorrect task completed / then the offender must go down onto 1 knee as a first offence. Then each time they reoffend they must continue: 2 knees, bottom, tummy and then out of the game. If the task is completed correctly then the child can then move up to the previous stage. Safety Aspects: Look out for stationary objects on the floor within the marked area. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME:Human Bingo 
WE NEED:1 x Human Bingo Card Per Person and 1 x Pencil Per Person Description: Used within Outdoor Adventurous Activities. Children each to be given a copy of “Bingo Card” . Children move around the room trying to identify children that can complete the specifications within the grid. (Children can only be used once). Allow 4 – 5mins to complete the game. Safety Aspects: Look out for stationary objects on the floor within the marked area. Variations: Different categories can be given to the children.